Europe Concluded / Phase III
I am in Budapest now where I have met up with Shaina before we start our Asia adventures! I must say that although I loved my solo travelling stint, I am definitely ready to be with someone again now! The past few days since I have been here we have mainly been getting last minute things for India, trying to do some planning, and also trying to not get too freaked out by all of the food-poisoning (the fondly named "delhi belly") and stories of sicknesses that our friends who were there in the summer have been telling us about.... I did however have a chance to go down to Parliament, as I wanted to check out this whole "riot" situation that I am sure you have been hearing about on the news. As always the media has managed to do a good job of making the worst of the situation, as it is mainly a peaceful protest with the few cases of violence being quite limited. (Unlike the massive violence and chaos that has been portrayed on the news). It was actually quite amazing to see such a huge group of people, all assembled outside of the parliament buildings with Hungarian flags - so patriotic.
I am going to jump to the conclusion as the night is late and sleep may be a good idea to counteract the "shock of a lifetime" that we have been told numerous times to expect upon arriving in Delhi. Thus it is on to Phase III of my trip, Phase I being my time in Spain with Tom, Phase II being my solo travel and this, Phase III, India and Southeast Asia with Shaina! Will be updating the blog as much as possible, and as always, love to hear from all of you!
To learning, adventure, and delhi belly....
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